An African flavour to Data Preprocessing Recipes#
This manual serves up a rich menu of data science delicacies, specially seasoned for African datasets coming from disciplines like social sciences, small-scale business operations, resource and infrastrucure management, agriculture, health, finance, fraud and policy reforms.
Start your journey with an appetizing overview of essential data science tools garnished with insights taken from an African context. As you delve deeper into the main courses, you’ll savor the nuances of tabulating data, from tidying up messy datasets to customizing functions like a master chef tailors a signature dish.
The subsequent sections offer a hearty serving of time series data techniques, guiding you from basic preparations to advanced culinary manipulations. For those with a taste for visual data, the book presents a gourmet guide to image data preprocessing, layered with techniques for feature extraction and prepping ingredients for model training.
Conclude your feast with the rich textures of text data, savoring the intricacies of text mining, feature extraction, and the aromatic world of word embeddings. Whether you’re a budding data chef or a seasoned culinary expert in data science, this book promises a banquet of knowledge, all seasoned with a distinctive African context. Check out the finger-licking details here for more information.
The Chef!